Scent Ballad

To notice the colours, reflections and the fragrances of life.

Snail and Mushroom

"How does the grape taste like?" snail asked.

13 December, 2012

Scent Ballad - No.01: Harmony - Orange (2012)

Fragrance: Orange
Element: Wood
Material: Felt, Mountboard, Printed Acetate, Essential Oil

Harmony attempts to capture the sense of smell as a series of visualisations. The core concepts of these pieces are a combination of the Chinese Five Elements and Gabriel Mojay’s ideas on aromatherapy and psychology. Essential oils were the foundation of these pieces, upon which a framework was constructed of signs, symbolism and colour psychology to explore images of harmony within Eastern traditions. Stained glass has also influenced the project, especially the way in which Church windows fill the space with their symbols and a range of colours.

Scent Ballad

Hey. Wake up. Open your eyes.
What do you see? Nothing. A box surrounds you; a dark shadow constricts, suffocates.
Stay calm, don't panic. Close your eyes again, just breathe. Draw it in deeply, taste the air. 
Now, open your eyes again. What do you see? How do you feel? Has the aroma carried you away, to a place of stillness, of memory?

My agenda is not important. My project walks a thread, spins a web between you and me, between you and yourself. It refers to areas as diverse as semiotics, symbology, the collective unconsciousness and aromatherapy. 

In creating this, I unwound a story inside myself. Hopefully, it will draw out something positive in you - the story inside you is much more important than my own.

I hope my project will help you to notice the colours, reflections and the fragrances of life.